The IQAC of NandalalBorgohain City College was formed in 14/05/2006 with a vision of promoting and monitoring the progress of the all-round development of the college. The IQAC of the college has contributed significantly for the fulfilment of the strategies taken by the institution. The IQAC has covered all aspects of the college and has taken some strategies for the smooth functioning of the various cells. The IQAC plays the role of a guide in every step of the college.
- Participation in the students and faculty exchange programme.
- Organizing career counselling programmes for the students by inviting resource person from different areas.
- Conducting and review of the activities of different cells and committees.
- For functioning of the institutional and departmental MOUs with different educational institutions and organizations,the IQAC conduct different classes, programmes, in different social issues through the faculty members.
- Emphasis on community development pogramme inside and outside the college at different times and on different issues such as development of human values, health and sanitation, sports, environmental issues ,skills etc. through the NCC,NSS, Women Cell, Students’ Union etc.
The objectives of the IQAC are: